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In the media

Women in polar science: Navigating the ice maze
For this CEOAS Strata magazine article, I spoke with science writers Abby Metzger and Nancy Steinberg about my experiences as a woman in polar science. Check out the associated story map describing the fascinating research done by women polar researchers at Oregon State University.

Educational resources

Oceanographic and River Analysis Lessons
I created two online lessons that serve as introductions to geophysical data analysis in Python. Learn to download, open, and analyze river and oceanographic data from the US Geological Survey and the National Data Buoy Center. These lessons use a web-based Python program called JupyterLite.

Tracking Ice: Arctic Sea Ice and Mathematics Curriculum
In this mathematics and science curriculum I co-created with Dr. Megan Brunner and Dr. Jenny Hutchings, students make a model to forecast sea ice drift using near real-time drifting buoy data from the International Arctic Buoy Program. Over four lessons, students learn about Arctic sea ice, use trigonometry to build their model, and use statistics to determine whether it would be fit for a search-and-rescue operation. This curriculum was created with the SMILE program at Oregon State University and meets Next Generation Science Standards.